A Journey Through the Lens: My Path to Photography

It’s been 32 years since I received my first camera. People often ask me how I got here and whether I always wanted to be a photographer. The answer is a bit winding, but each step has shaped who I am today.

A Creative Spirit from the Start

I've always felt drawn to the creative fields. As a young girl, I found joy in crafting collages, making jewelry, sewing clothes, and dreaming of becoming a fashion designer. This creative drive guided me to pursue dual degrees in fashion (textile and apparel management) and magazine design (journalism school) at the University of Missouri, commonly known as Mizzou.

Chasing the Fashion Dream

My dream of breaking into the New York fashion scene came to life during a fabulous summer internship at Harper’s Bazaar magazine. It was everything I imagined—and more. But when I returned home, I faced a startling realization. Despite the glamour and excitement, the NY fashion scene felt empty, reminiscent of "The Devil Wears Prada." I craved something more fulfilling, a way to make a difference.

An Unexpected Turn

In a twist of fate, I was offered a job teaching journalism and photography at my former high school. For six years, I poured my passion for storytelling and imagery into my students. It was a rewarding experience that solidified my love for photography and teaching.

Finding My True Calling

While I’ve always been passionate about art, the most rewarding aspect of my journey has been helping others feel amazing. This could mean helping someone who’s never loved a photograph of themselves to finally feel incredible. Or it might involve helping parents feel a sense of accomplishment by creating lasting memories for their children through portraits.

A Week-Long Challenge

Today marks the beginning of a week-long challenge to post a reel each day. I hope this helps you get to know me a little better.

I'd love to hear your stories too. Did you set out to do what you’re doing today, or was your path as winding as mine?


Embracing the Beauty of Heirloom Portraits: A Remedy for Mom Guilt


Love & Legacy: Capturing Timeless Portraits for Your Family's Future