Reflections on 23 Years: 4 Untold Realities of Launching a Creative Business

Embarking on the journey of a creative entrepreneur is a thrilling yet challenging experience, filled with unexpected twists and invaluable lessons. Looking back at my early days as a photographer, here are four things that no one warned me about when I first stepped into the world of creative business 23 years ago…

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Heirloom Portraits Shana Watkins Heirloom Portraits Shana Watkins

The Woman's Exchange of Saint Louis

Have you seen these sweet heirloom portraits in person yet? I'd love to know! If not, head to The Woman's Exchange of Saint Louis in Ladue to have a look, pick up summer hostess gifts and grab a bite to eat, all while supporting an incredible cause. I love hearing clients' stories of how they visited the tea room with their mothers and grandmothers and how it brings back such special memories when visiting with their own children.

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Top 4 Complaints about the Photography Industry

The photography industry, like any other, has its share of challenges and concerns. In my photography business, I strive to alleviate these worries and offer an enjoyable, stress-free experience. In this blog post, we will explore the top five complaints voiced about our industry and discuss how my business addresses these concerns by tailoring our services to fit your needs.

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